CX Maps & Flows:
Service Blueprints, Experience Maps, and User Flows
Kymriah Novartis
Translated stakeholder interviews into a service blueprint to capture an ecosystem of various parties who interact with one another through various channels and mediums.
Highlighted in green were the design opportunities to ‘bottle-necks’ in the service chain of events for an off-site manufactured drug — often relating to logistics and communication challenges.

Bensimon Byrne
Supported new business planning by leading the co-creation of two consumer journey maps. They were used as upfront material to highlight the overall consumer's "thoughts/feelings/actions" when confronted about a change in their financial solutions and then presented with another a few months later.
American Express AXPi
we are experience
The sitemaps were used to highlight at the macro view the different sub-business units working together in a single authenticated card experience and its impact in delivering interrelated experiences (e.g. Pay-Bill, Claim Rewards, etc.).